Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 11-12: Rear deck (Quarterdeck)

Ok, so it's been a long time since the last post!

The great weather we had this summer made it difficult for me to to get much done, those BBQ's won't light themselves!

Now the front deck is complete, I've moved on to the rear deck section. Again I have to remove some of the plastic moulded parts so the wooden decking can be fitted.
Once more I use the trusty Dremmel to remove the plastic mouldings, this time I get some help!

Jack lends a hand
Situated on the rear section of the deck is a raised platform which would look something like this..

This image is from the movie A Night To Remember

This platform is modelled in the kit in metal and also has the wooden planking, a very intricate part that took me some time to get right.

The pieces of the platform
On the rear deck are also several benches, these are also metal parts that have to be bent to shape, very fiddly!

One of the (many!) benches ready to be bent into shape

I fix the bench in place and dry fit (that means no glue just yet) the platform. 
After fixing all of the benches and deck parts I'll paint everything and fix the platform last. 

Some of the deck parts in place including a bench. The platform is not yet glued in place