Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 3-6: Cranes and Well deck

All 8 of the Cranes have been assembled and painted. Slow going! I'm finding the small metal parts difficult to work with, it's very easy to bend them out of shape and difficult to fix them in place.

I still need to fix the ladders to the cranes, I've painted them and will place them on the cranes prior to fixing them to the deck.

I've also started work on the lower deck well, this is the section at the front (Bow) of the ship. The first job is to fix the wooden planking on, but before this I'll paint some of the parts on the deck, mainly the hatches and walls.
The colour I use for this is a rusty red (Humbrol #113). Apparently this is the colour that was used in James Cameron's Movie, Titanic. I doubt they used Humbrol model paints though!

 See below for progress.

Here you can see a test fitting of one of the cranes in the lower deck well area.
The wooden deck planks will be fixed over the deck once I paint the wall dado and Hatches.

Close up of the crane and 2 deck hatches on lower deck well.

I've painted the Deck Hatches and Lower half of the well deck walls. You can see I've masked off the walls to help produce a neater line. If you look closely you can also see I've painted the lower half of the 2 well deck crane bases to match the hatches and deck wall dado.

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